Saint Andrew's has identified Rebuild Upstate as an organization that we are going to support financially (from the ten percent set aside from the Greater Works Capital Campaign) and through service work -- as we help them with repairing and up-fitting homes so that economically challenged folks can stay in those homes in the neighborhoods around Saint Andrew's.

Rebuild Upstate strengthens the Upstate community by providing volunteers and materials to create safe, healthy, sustainable home environments for disabled, low-income, and elderly people. Unlike organizations that focus on new home construction, Rebuild Upstate exclusively repairs and improves existing homes. In order to maximize their resources and meet more needs, the majority of their work is performed by volunteers, overseen by a trained supervisor.

Any skill level and all ages are welcome from simply helping with snacks at the site, interviewing workers and families and taking photographs for the Saint Andrew’s newsletter, to helping with the actual construction work. You may work for as long as your schedule permits on the work day.

Rebuild Upstate Work Day: Saturday, May 18, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Contact Sara Conrad for more information.